We are currently undergoing maintenance on service submissions.

Please redirect requests to service@thorinternational.com or call (877) 288-8099.

Need Parts?

Every Once in a while, even Thor’s hammer needs a tune-up.

Click below to find all the parts you need to #COOKLIKEAGOD.

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Please fill out the service form to the left.

Questions? You can also email us directly at service@thorinternational.com or call us at:

Main Directory: (877) 288-8099

Service Directory:

Dial (1): New Claim

Dial (2): Update on Claim

Our customer service agent will be contacting you during normal business hours (excludes weekends and holidays).

Business Hours (Pacific Standard Time):

Monday – Friday: 5:30am to 4:30pm

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Thank you!

THOR Kitchen Customer Service Department