September 8, 2021

7 Clean Features You’ll Love About this Stainless Steel Dishwasher

THOR Kitchen makes some fantastic appliances. They are designed with professional kitchens in mind, but with a softer look that will fit the kitchen in your home. These appliances are reliable, long-lasting, efficient, and able to stand up to heavy use.  The 24-inch stainless steel dishwasher designed by THOR Kitchen is no exception. It is…

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September 6, 2021

Rangetop vs. Cooktop: Similarities and Differences

When it comes to cooking in your kitchen, you may not think you have as many options as you do. I mean a stove or a range top or a cooktop are all typical things that you find in your kitchen. They are all very similar, interchangeable appliances, aren’t they? Or are they?  Believe it…

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September 1, 2021

What Can You Cook in a Pizza Oven?

Who doesn’t love a great pizza? You can make pizza as thick or thin as you would like. And you get to add toppings that you enjoy — because it is your pizza. You can go traditional with pepperoni, sausage, onion, peppers, mushrooms, and olives with red sauce and cheese. Or you can switch it…

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