January 25, 2023

9 Benefits of a Refrigerator with Ice Maker and Water Dispenser

Imagine walking around in a pair of shoes that you thought were the most comfortable pair of shoes ever – until you tried on a new brand. Or what if you thought your neighborhood taco truck had the best local Mexican eats – until a new taco truck pulled up across the street. In the…

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January 23, 2023

4 Types of Drawer Style Microwaves

Ah, the lovely microwave. Many people underestimate the power of this kitchen appliance. After all, you can cook just about anything in a regular microwave or even drawer style microwaves – and enjoy it much faster than if it were cooked any other way. It truly is convenient cooking. Types of Drawer Style Microwaves Did…

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January 20, 2023

Choosing Cookware for Induction Cooktops

It is exciting to get a new kitchen appliance – especially an induction cooktop. This shiny yet sleek addition to your kitchen can rejuvenate your desire to cook again. Whether you have wanted a reason to pull out your old family recipes or you have a collection of eclectic recipes you’ve gathered online, this is…

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