Archives: Supports

My door will not close

You will know if it is the door latch because none of the buttons will respond when they try to program it. When the door is open, if you can touch the buttons and change cycle, then the latch is okay, If it won’t change cycles then the latch is flipped. Click Here If the…

My dishes are not drying

Are they soaked or just wet? Are you using rinse aide? If you are not, you need to use this to assist with the drying. Plastics will never be completely dry. Did you choose the dry cycle?  If these steps are being followed and there is still an issue, please submit a service request. Service…

I have a 2H 15 flashing

This does not require service; this means that they cycle was interrupted & the unit will need to run 2 Hours and 15 Min. All that needs to be done is touch the button that is lit up and then close the door and let it run its course. You do not want to touch…

E8 error code

Service is not required. Filters just need to be cleared. Unplug power or Flip Circuit breaker. Any little debris will cause this sensor to go off. There are 3 Filters in the unit. Core Filter (Dark Gray), Medium Filter (Aluminum) & Fine Filter Step 1 Remove bottom rack. Core filter-turn counterclockwise to remove/ rotate clockwise…