August 24, 2022 | Chef Derrick Fox | Cooking | Recipes

Chipotle Spiced Pork Loin with Butternut Squash Puree Recipe by Chef Derrick Fox

This blog is written by celebrity chef and THOR Kitchen brand advocate Derrick Fox. Each month, Chef Fox will be sharing his favorite recipes with step-by-step directions, pictures and his signature style.

I wanted to make a dish that was easy but packed a lot of flavor, and plated properly to be visually stunning. The key to cooking your pork loin perfectly is using a meat thermometer. No judgment here. This dish is also great year round. Have fun with plating this dish. There are so many ways you can go with it.

Watch how to make the Chipotle Spiced Pork Loin in this video and find the full recipe below!

1 whole pork loin 1 bunch heirloom carrots
2 tbsp chipotle seasoning 1 fennel bulb
1 tsp cumin 1/2 cup veggie stock
1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup light beer
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper 1 small red apple, diced
1 oz bourbon
2 cups large dice butternut squash 2 tbsp butter
 12 oz heavy cream 1 tbsp maple syrup
4 tbsp unsalted butter


1 sauce pot small sautee pan
sautee pans blender
cast iron skillet
Making the butternut squash puree:
Place the butternut squash, the heavy cream, a dash of cinnamon, and a pinch of salt and pepper in a medium sauce pot. Bring to a boil and then drop to a simmer and cook until the squash is cooked through. Once cooked through, use a slotted spoon to scoop the squash into a blender. Add the butter and start blending. Slowly pour the remaining cream until the puree is to the desired consistency. Once smooth season to taste with more salt, pepper, and if need more cinnamon. Place the puree back in the pot cover and keep warm on low heat.
Preparing the root vegetables for presentation:
Slice carrots in half or keep whole. This is purely for presentation. Slice the fennel bulb into quarters. In a cast iron pan or sautĂ© pan over medium-high heat. Sear the fennel. Once seared after about a minute add the carrots and sautĂ© until carrots get some color. Now drizzle in the beer, and sautĂ© until beer mostly evaporates. Now add the veg stock, cover with foil, and place in the oven for about 12 minutes on 400ÂșPreparing the sautĂ©ed apples:In a small sautĂ© pan, sautĂ© apples in a tbsp. of grapeseed oil over medium-high heat. After about 2-3 minutes, flambĂ© with the bourbon. Once the bourbon has cooked out, add the butter and sautĂ© until melted. Now add the syrup and sautĂ© until well combined.Last but certainly not least, the pork:

Let pork rest on the counter for 45 minutes. Slice loin in half. Mix spices and coat loin generously.

In a cast iron pan sear the loin on all sides for 2 minutes on each side. The roast in the oven at 400Âș for 12 minutes or until the pork reaches an internal temp of 140Âș. Remove from the oven and rest for 10 minutes before slicing.

Now, enjoy!

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