Category: Cooking
How to Meal Prep for the Week
It is the beginning of a new year so there is a good chance you have, at one point or another, seen a tv show segment or social media post about meal prepping. Or maybe you have heard your friends, co-workers, or family members talking about ideas or showing off photos of their weekly meal…
How to Season Roasted Vegetables
The best thing you can do for your health is to prepare your own food. The next best thing you can do is to learn how to cook it. And the third-best thing, according to many chefs is how to season properly. The challenge with cooking isn’t knowing what ingredients are in dishes or even…
How to Cook a Honey Baked Ham
Honey baked ham is a classic dish to serve friends and family around this time of year. There is just something about that ham that makes people come back year after year after year. Just one look at their lines and you can tell they are doing something right. There is just one thing –…
9 Types of Pizza to Make with Your Pizza Oven
Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the U.S. In fact, Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza every single day, according to the National Association of Pizza Operators (yes, they have their own group). That’s equivalent to 350 slices per second! Mintel, a market research company, did a study and found that…
Stock Up on these Autumn Fruit and Vegetables
This time of year brings family and friends together over flavorful food inspired by seasonal autumn fruit and vegetables. If you’re looking forward to hosting your friends and family at your home, it’s time for a trip to the grocery store or farmers’ market. In this article, we’ve gathered a list of some of the…
7 Keys to Hosting a Great Fall Dinner Party
The fall season is here! That means beautiful colored foliage, a social calendar that is slowly filling up, a little pumpkin spice added to everything, and a feeling of coziness in the air. This season is favored by many – likely since it is the kickoff to the holiday season. Before too many fall events…
12 Essential Fall Herbs and Spices
We are running headfirst into the fall season. Coffee shops are already boasting their fall flavor drinks, like pumpkin, apple, and even cranberry. Pumpkin puree is flying off the grocery store shelves. Halloween stores are opening up and pumpkin decor is placed front and center at home stores. Whether we are ready for it or…
How to Prep Your Kitchen for Fall Cooking
Fall is right around the corner, which means you may be wondering how to prep your kitchen for fall cooking. We tend to get in the fall mood as soon as the calendar changes over to September. It is one of the coziest, delicious times of year – from the changing of the leaves and…
Grilled Artichokes with Caper Mustard Aioli
This blog is written by celebrity chef and THOR Kitchen brand ambassador Derrick Fox. Each month, Chef Fox will be sharing his favorite recipes with step-by-step directions, pictures, and his signature style. The Artichoke. You are obviously familiar with the artichoke hearts in the jar, in oil with some herbs. More recently you may have seen…
How to Use a Cast Iron Griddle
You’ve got yourself a griddle. Maybe you’ve had one before. Maybe you’ve always wanted one. Or maybe you have found yourself staring face to face with a griddle and have no idea what to do with it. No matter where you are on your cast iron griddle journey, you have come to the right place.…