Author: daisyle

7 Essential Kitchen Appliance Accessories

There are plenty of big additions to your kitchen that you will make throughout your lifetime. Maybe you need a new range or a new refrigerator. Or maybe you finally think it is time to save yourself from dishpan hands and invest in a dishwasher. Then again, maybe you went ahead and splurged for an…

A Beautifully Designed Built-in Dishwasher

Many years ago, having a dishwasher was seen as more of a perk or bonus. It was a luxury item that most kitchens didn’t have. And, although you don’t need a dishwasher in the way you do a refrigerator, for example, it is now a standard and expected kitchen appliance. The reason is perhaps because…

This Outdoor Grill Cabinet Offers Spacious Storage

It is summertime. With any luck, you are finding your way outdoors more often, spending time soaking in the sunshine, and spending time with those who matter. Life is good all the time, but the summer just brings that extra kick. Lots of social time, lots of hanging out, and lots of drinking beer –…

Find the Best Wine Cooler Cabinet for Your Collection

Wine coolers are one of those appliances that you may not think you need — until you have one. Everyone is so quick to make sure a kitchen has a refrigerator, a stove, an oven, and a dishwasher. But, without a wine cooler, where do you put your wine? How do you keep it safely…

Stay Refreshed with this Outdoor Beverage Refrigerator

The summer sun can be so enticing. Blue skies, white clouds, green grass… you want to run outside and enjoy it. Maybe have a picnic, ride bikes with your kiddos, grill out on your patio, or just lounge in your pool. A few minutes in, though, and that heat makes you want to run back…

Clean as You Cook with this Outdoor Kitchen Sink Station

When it comes to completing any task, we all love efficiency. There’s nothing better than getting into the rhythm of any task, especially when you know that the juice is worth the squeeze. But, like with any routine task, things can become tedious and even sometimes loathsome very quickly. No matter how great the reward…

Enjoy Unlimited Ice with this Stainless Steel Ice Maker

Heatwaves are taking over the country and show very little signs of slowing down. The summer sun is beaming and everyone is looking for ways to cool off. A swim in the ocean or the pool can offer a quick cool down on a hot day. As well as an icy-cold beverage. But, lets’ face…

An Outdoor Kitchen Pizza Oven is Next Level

Let’s be honest for a moment, shall we? Your best friends, your family members, that guy from work — anyone of those people can invite you over for a backyard barbecue. When you get there, you may find a nice assortment of brats, hot dogs, burgers, steak, or chicken. For the more bougie types, you…

The Simplicity of a Single Electric Wall Oven

Technology advances so quickly  – it seems like once you purchase the best of something, there is something newer, bigger, and better already hitting the market. While this is true for any piece of technology, it is also true for appliances. The next big thing is always on the horizon, such as the appliance that…